Our last day at Sea. I can’t believe how fast the week went... we snuggled Monkeys and held beautiful parrots in Honduras. We visited a Spice Farm in Belize. Shopped and relaxed in Costa Maya. We went caving at the Secret River off of Playa da Carmen. Watched (or should I say heard) people throwing up on the rough ferry ride. 21 of us were late getting back to the ship... we shopped, walked the ship in awe of everything it had to offer, saw an amazing Cirque show, saw Broadways Million Dollar Quartet. Ate at amazing restaurants. And had desserts at everyone I might say.... we went to the Casino, watched salsa dancing. And we relaxed on our balcony in our Haven Suite. Room service, priority embarking and disembarking. We had our own butler - me - a butler....
It was an amazing, unforgettable, once in a lifetime trip. And it began because of a conversation between 4 woman, a special man with a bucket list, his mother- my friend Esther and of course Val Burnett @thewanderlustgetaway Thanking you for this wonderful Opportunity
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